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Keep Your Eyes on the Prize (A Post-Holiday Tip)

Keep Your Eyes on the Prize (A Post-Holiday Tip)

Don’t weigh yourself today…. Because if you’re like me, and you took some liberties with food and alcohol over the past five days, then you might find yourself up a couple/several pounds. Don’t worry; it’s (mostly) water weight from more carbs, salt, treats, and...

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Did You Actually Decide to Do This?

Did You Actually Decide to Do This?

What commitments have you been avoiding? Think about it for a second… Have you been waiting to pull the trigger on that family vacation? Or signing up for that gym or class that you wanted to join? What about that conversation with your friend or family member you’ve...

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Stop Relying on Self Control, Especially on Halloween

Stop Relying on Self Control, Especially on Halloween

I don’t know about you, but I don’t love Halloween. As a nutritionist, you can probably understand why. It’s hard enough keeping my kids from eating crap daily without dedicated “holidays” reinforcing junk food consumption. But it’s not even the kids and the candy...

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I Spent Over 500K to Learn This Lesson

I Spent Over 500K to Learn This Lesson

I’ve invested over 500k to come to this one realization: We don’t have a weight loss problem… We have a weight loss maintenance problem. Think about it…There are a lot of ways to lose weight, but most of those ways are notoriously unsustainable. Keto, intermittent...

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You Can Have It All, No Guilt Necessary

You Can Have It All, No Guilt Necessary

My 8-year-old son can leg press 220 lbs. I know this because he insisted on joining me for my workout yesterday, even in a crowded gym, despite the disapproving looks from patrons and staff. Sure, I'm glad to spend time with him, especially promoting fitness, but I...

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Eat More, Lose More: Here’s How

Eat More, Lose More: Here’s How

“I can’t believe how much food I’m eating” is a common phrase we hear with our 1-1 coaching clients.   And while it’s kind of accurate, it’s completely false at the same time.   Let me explain…   Up until a couple hundred years ago, humans evolved...

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What Real Weight Loss Looks Like

What Real Weight Loss Looks Like

“This is an uncomfortable position to be in”, he said, “but Tammy has decided to move in a different direction for coaching”. I knew this conversation with John, Tammy's husband, was about her lack of weight loss results and the verbal confirmation that things just...

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5 Ways Dieting Fails You [And What to Do Instead]

5 Ways Dieting Fails You [And What to Do Instead]

There’s nothing easy about dieting. In fact, the very idea of intentionally restricting calories goes against every strand of DNA that has contributed to our human evolution. Interestingly, while we often, and justifiably, place our focus on calories and exercise as...

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