What Real Weight Loss Looks Like

What Real Weight Loss Looks Like

“This is an uncomfortable position to be in”, he said, “but Tammy has decided to move in a different direction for coaching”. I knew this conversation with John, Tammy’s husband, was about her lack of weight loss results and the verbal confirmation that things...
Why We Don’t Work With Just Anyone

Why We Don’t Work With Just Anyone

I was recently a guest at an entrepreneur event here in Phoenix with a small group of high-level business owners. A mastermind for all intents and purposes. What I thought was interesting, yet not surprising, is that not just anyone can join this group. You can apply,...
Did You Fall Into This Trap?

Did You Fall Into This Trap?

There’s a specific pattern that repeats itself right around this time of year. I’ve been coaching for a long time and I started to notice this early on when I was coaching clients during the summer months. Slowly but surely, they’d be less and less engaged. I’d notice...
The Most Important Ingredient for Success

The Most Important Ingredient for Success

There’s one single ingredient that is required if you want to optimize your results and achieve your body composition goals. It’s probably not what you think. In fact, if you had asked me this question many years ago, I probably would’ve said something along the lines...