How to Look and Feel Amazing from the Inside Out

by | Sep 24, 2017

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Have you ever heard the saying that “change happens from the inside out?” – Find out why sustainable weight loss takes so much more than diet and exercise alone…


In this interview, I sat down with exercise physiologist and female transformation expert Jennifer Powter, of


Jennifer is a 2 – time Ironman athlete, exercise physiologist, and Weight Loss+ Fitness Expert. Jennifer Power could train Olympic athletes if she wanted to but happily for us, she doesn’t. Instead, Jennifer coaches regular women with imperfect lives who want to look + feel amazing — from the inside out. Jennifer has an incredible story of her own personal transformation that has fueled her desire to help other women in the same situation.


In this interview, we discuss:

  1. Jennifers personal struggles/journey
  2. Why it’s ok (and necessary) to ask for help
  3. What’s the first step towards sustainable weight loss?
  4. How women can stop neglecting themselves after having a baby
  5. How men can and should be supporting their spouses/each other after having a baby
  6. How can personal trainers help their clients successfully lose weight?
  7. How trainers can offer emotional support to their clients
  8. How long does a “transformation” take? The real answers…


Find about more about Jennifer at: as well as her podcast at:…


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