The Caveman Principle that Keeps us Fat with Luke Tulloch

by | Jan 11, 2018


If you’re interested in getting fitter, leaner and stronger in a healthy and manageable way or if you’re a fitness trainer curious about improving your program design to attain better client results, then you will learn a ton of quality information from my podcast with Luke Tulloch.


Luke is a personal trainer with 10+ years of experience and a strong background in exercise physiology and neuroscience. Currently, Luke is a coach at Lucid Health Coaching located in Sydney, Australia, where he combines his personal experience as a powerlifter, bodybuilder and rugby player with his science background to provide clients and trainers with safe and fast results. In addition to training the general population, Luke also trains trainers in the art and science of effective coaching.


It’s happening more and more in the Instagram age where you want to come out of a session feeling like you’ve just been beaten to the ground because that’s a mark of a good training session. But, what you have to think about is that there is a goal with your training and the goal is not to be tired at the end. The goal is to be better.


During our extremely informative interview, we talk about metabolism and energy constraints, supplementation, protein goals, protein energy pathways and meal frequency for weight loss. I guarantee you won’t want to miss this, especially if you’re a coach or trainer.

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In This Podcast We Also Discuss:


– Common daily struggles people tend to have with respect to nutrition and exercise [[10:19]]


– The caveman principle and how the perception we need to exercise for a certain amount of time to burn more calories may not be the right way to lose weight [[12:52]]


– Triage theory and how it pertains to stress and energy [[21:23]]


– The difference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and the relationship to exercise recovery [[23:21]]


– How trainers can best determine the type of training someone needs [[26:36]]


– What the science says about how many meals we should be eating a day [[36:45]]


– Why too many meals a day is bad for muscle growth [[39:20]]


– The optimal amount of protein you want to get on a daily basis [[45:37]]


– The benefits of aerobic and resistance training at a cellular level [[51:54]]


– Basic supplements Luke says everyone can benefit from taking [[56:11]]


Follow Luke Tulloch Here:

Personal Trainer Education and Upskill


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