150_Nine Reasons Why Your Scale Is Deceiving You

by | Jul 5, 2022

If you’re like most Americans, then you probably woke up on Monday, Feb. 14th, a little bit heavier than normal.


The Superbowl nosh, the drinks, and perhaps the “f-it” mentality that had you telling yourself, “I’ll just get back on track tomorrow”…


And there’s certainly nothing wrong with that, as many of our clients found themselves in that exact same situation as we worked through all of our check-ins this week.


The difference, however, is that our clients know full well that there are a number of things scale weight can and can’t tell us, and why weight alone is NOT a good indicator of progress from day to day.


If you woke up to a higher scale weight on Monday, here are 9 potential reasons why:


  1. You ate more carbs the day before
  2. You drank alcohol the day before
  3. You ate saltier foods the day before
  4. You had inadequate sleep
  5. You are dehydrated
  6. You are retaining water from menstruation
  7. You are stressed out
  8. You are constipated
  9. You weighed at a different time of day


You get the idea…


Note that I didn’t say that you gained body fat.


There are 2 things the scale weight CAN’T tell us from day-day:


  • Whether you’ve lost or gained body fat.


  • Your value and worth as a person. 


There is no number that you could see on the scale that is as detrimental to your health and well-being as feeling ashamed about what you see… 


Stressing about a number day-day is worse than the foods you consumed to contribute to that number. 


Instead, please understand that scale weight is simply a reflection of the choices you made and is nothing more than a tool to help you establish awareness and accountability so you can make better choices in the future.


And oftentimes, our perception of what we think we should see on the scale is completely unrealistic and unattainable…


Instead, we should be leveraging pictures, circumference measurements, how our clothes fit, our energy levels, and our relationship with food, our friends, and family, as driving factors in how much progress we’re actually making.


If you’ve had a tumultuous relationship with the scale and feel like the quality of your day is predicated on seeing a “good” or “bad” number, then it’s time to re-evaluate your behaviors and establish how to create more positive change.


The only way to do this is to learn how to interpret how and why your body does what it does, based on ongoing guidance and feedback…


And this is what we teach you in our Smart Nutrition Nutrition Coaching Program as part of our Systemic Health() Coaching Process.


It’s the only program that helps you create a paradigm shift from restrictive behaviors to health freedom through the convergence of health goals, lifestyle, and sustained success that guarantees results.


We leverage the science of real-world data, the psychology of behavior change, and the art of coaching to help you create the flexibility and freedom in your life to get the results you need while living the life you want.


If you want to learn how to love what you see on the scale, then just reply back to this email and we’ll schedule a time to chat. Assuming the…

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