156_How to Lose 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks Without Restrictive Dieting

by | Aug 16, 2022

Just because we don’t generally support quick-fix dieting strategies doesn’t mean they can’t work when used in the right context.



Summer beach vacation

Pool party


This is where the low-carb boot camp can come in handy…


(Credit to Charles Poliquin for teaching how to do this)


What is Low carb Bootcamp?


Carbohydrate elimination diet – typically things like bread, pastas, rice, potatoes, cookies/cakes, alcohol, and calorie infused beverages


Why do LCBC:


  1. Easy way to reduce calories and kickstart the fat loss/transformation process
  2. Simplify to follow dieting strategy
  3. Short-term, effective solution to losing weight
  4. Motivation is high for short periods of time, like prior to big events 


Benefits/why it works:


  1. Drop body fat and water weight by reducing carbs (2-4% weight) – 4-8lbs for a 200lb person
  2. Reduced hunger and cravings when protein intake is high
  3. Decrease inflammation and a shift in healthy gut bacteria
  4. Improved insulin sensitivity and blood sugar management – more stable energy, better mental clarity


How to do it:


  1. Protein goal: minimum 1g per pound of ideal bodyweight
  2. Eliminate all sources of carbohydrates: bread, pasta, rice, potato, oats, fruits, pastries, sodas, alcohol, especially wheat, dairy, and sugar
  3. Eat unlimited fibrous vegetables, particularly leafy green veggies – broccoli, spinach, cabbage, zucchini, cucumber – aim for less than 50g-100g carbs per day primarily from veggies
  4. Add healthy fats: aim for 0.5g per pound of ideal bodyweight – avocado, nuts, salmon
  5. Drink at least 1/2 your BW in oz of water per day and ADD electrolytes


What to expect:


Expect to feel amazing.


Moving from the SAD diet to whole foods and low carb-based diet, you’ll experience:

> more focus

> more energy

> better sleep

> Increased satiety


Sample menu:


Meal 1 – grass-fed hamburger or lean steak with 1/2 avocado, sautéed spinach in butter

Meal 2 – Chicken thighs and asparagus cooked in coconut oil

Meal 3 – snack – celery sticks with almond butter or deli meat roll-ups in romaine lettuce with mustard

Meal 4 – Chicken breast or shredded cabbage coleslaw salad – use avocado oil mayo


Use essential amino acids intra-workout as well as whey protein post-workout weight glutamine and glycine


What to do after?


  1. Reintroduce carbs in the post-workout window – 40-60g of carbs in PWO meal – oats, rice, potato




  1. Add carbs once per week as a “refeed meal” or day – about 50% more calories on that day – the leaner you get, the more carbs you earn on a daily basis and the better you’ll be able to use carbs for continued progress
  2. Add 1 higher carb meal every 5-7 days and as you lean out, reduce the number of days between higher carb meals
  3. Work up to at least 25% of your calories from carbs


Some feel better on a lower-carb diet but will need to make sure they’re consuming enough fats to offset the decreased calorie intake.




The metabolism is very adaptive and dynamic which is why most people benefit from slowly adding back in carbs and eventually leveraging carbs to their benefit while learning how to effectively maintain their calories.

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