021_How to Hijack your Metabolism for Rapid Fat Loss with Jay Campbell

by | Nov 9, 2017

From treating hormonal imbalances and low testosterone to a new spin on a proven weight-loss technique, this podcast with Jay Campbell is one you won’t want to miss.


Jay is the best selling author of “The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy Manual: How to Optimize Your Testosterone for Lifelong Health and Happiness.” He also just released “The Metabolic Blowtorch Diet: The Ultimate Guide for Optimizing Intermittent Fasting: Burn Fat, Preserve Muscle, Enhance Focus and Transform Your Health.”


Additionally, Jay is a former champion male physique competitor, the founder of TRTRevolution.com, hosts the TRT Revolution podcast, is the co-founder of FabFitOver40.com and co-owns the supplement company OptimizedLifeNutrition.com (OLN).


Jay’s interest in TRT began when he started experiencing symptoms of low testosterone following a basketball injury. Since then, Jay has become a master at manipulating and tweaking the human endocrine system in order to optimize performance and health. Jay also helps both men and women improve their nutrition, exercise, fitness and fat loss.


Jay has an incredible wealth of knowledge around both testosterone optimization and intermittent fasting (IF). In this interview, we talk about testosterone therapy for men, what lifestyle and environmental factors are doing to our hormones, crushes the conventional wisdom about what we currently know regarding intermittent fasting, the best ways to optimize body composition and so much more.


 We Also Discuss


– How getting kicked in the balls prompted him to write the TRT Manual [7:01]


– The idea of the “dad bod” and the emasculation of men [15:37]


–  Why everyone should consider getting bloodwork done around age 30 [18:30]


–  Jay’s main principles of the Metabolic Blowtorch Diet [26:25]


– His new spin on IF that leads to more sustained fat loss [28:52]


– All about BDNF and Jay’s spiritual journey after fasting for more than 48 hours [44:15] ]


– The biggest misconception people have about IF [50:24]



Follow Jay Campbell here:








Jay’s books are available for purchase on Amazon. You can also download a free PDF version of his books by visiting http://www.trtrevolution.com/get-the-books. 

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