Link to FREE Guide: The Fasting Mimicking Diet + Detox Plan The 5-Day Guide to Boosting your Energy & Jump Start Weight Loss
You’ve been hearing me speak a lot about the benefits of intermittent fasting, but more specifically, about the 5-day fasting mimicking diet.
Since I was getting so many questions about it, I’m happy to let you know that I created a Free 5-Day Fasting Mimicking Diet Guide and Detox plan to share with you on the exact strategies that I use for myself and my clients, including:
- How to implement a 5-Day Fasting Plan (Includes Exactly What & When to Eat).
- The Inflammatory Foods you Must Avoid During the Plan to Quickly Improve Digestion.
- Why Fasting is the Fastest Way to Improve Energy and Initiate Weight Loss.
- Which 3 Specific Nutrients to Use to Support Optimal Detoxification.
- 5 Proven Strategies to Help you Manage Hunger during your fast.
Download the free guide HERE:
FULL DISCLOSURE: This is NOT the Prolon patented form of the 5-Day Fasting Mimicking Diet developed by Dr. Valter Longo nor does it claim to be. HERE is the link to his version: