164_Flexible Dieting with Alan Aragon

by | Oct 11, 2022

How do we really lose weight in a sustainable and healthy way, both physically and psychologically?


In a world of weight loss ferver, we find ourselves constantly bombarded with wild nutrition claims, haphazard and overly restrictive dieting protocols, and nutritional pseudoscience lurking around every social media corner… just waiting to grab our attention at the most desperate of times.


Today it’s time to drown out the noise with an evidence-based approach to eating and exercise with my friend Alan Aragon, author of the new book, Flexible Dieting: A science-based, reality-tested method for achieving and maintaining your optimal physique, performance, and health.


In this conversation, we discuss a number of dieting-centric topics, including:


  • What is Flexible Dieting and why does it matter
  • Why you gain weight and what to do about it
  • The ONE universal diet that is right for everybody [Hint: there’s not]
  • The importance of lean muscle mass and the influence of obesity on metabolism.


Having spent years in academia, I have a strong appreciation for Alan’s approach to nutrition and weight management. It’s not sexy, it’s not dogmatic, and he’s not out making ridiculous claims as much of the industry is relegated to… but it is rooted in evidence and it actually works.


I hope you enjoy and let’s dive in.



Alan Aragon’s Research Review Newsletter

Flexible Dieting Book | AlanAragon.com

Alan Aragon’s Website


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