Just because we don’t generally support quick-fix dieting strategies doesn’t mean they can’t work when used in the right context.
Summer beach vacation
Pool party
This is where the low-carb boot camp can come in handy…
(Credit to Charles Poliquin for teaching how to do this)
What is Low carb Bootcamp?
Carbohydrate elimination diet – typically things like bread, pastas, rice, potatoes, cookies/cakes, alcohol, and calorie infused beverages
Why do LCBC:
- Easy way to reduce calories and kickstart the fat loss/transformation process
- Simplify to follow dieting strategy
- Short-term, effective solution to losing weight
- Motivation is high for short periods of time, like prior to big events
Benefits/why it works:
- Drop body fat and water weight by reducing carbs (2-4% weight) – 4-8lbs for a 200lb person
- Reduced hunger and cravings when protein intake is high
- Decrease inflammation and a shift in healthy gut bacteria
- Improved insulin sensitivity and blood sugar management – more stable energy, better mental clarity
How to do it:
- Protein goal: minimum 1g per pound of ideal bodyweight
- Eliminate all sources of carbohydrates: bread, pasta, rice, potato, oats, fruits, pastries, sodas, alcohol, especially wheat, dairy, and sugar
- Eat unlimited fibrous vegetables, particularly leafy green veggies – broccoli, spinach, cabbage, zucchini, cucumber – aim for less than 50g-100g carbs per day primarily from veggies
- Add healthy fats: aim for 0.5g per pound of ideal bodyweight – avocado, nuts, salmon
- Drink at least 1/2 your BW in oz of water per day and ADD electrolytes
What to expect:
Expect to feel amazing.
Moving from the SAD diet to whole foods and low carb-based diet, you’ll experience:
> more focus
> more energy
> better sleep
> Increased satiety
Sample menu:
Meal 1 – grass-fed hamburger or lean steak with 1/2 avocado, sautéed spinach in butter
Meal 2 – Chicken thighs and asparagus cooked in coconut oil
Meal 3 – snack – celery sticks with almond butter or deli meat roll-ups in romaine lettuce with mustard
Meal 4 – Chicken breast or shredded cabbage coleslaw salad – use avocado oil mayo
Use essential amino acids intra-workout as well as whey protein post-workout weight glutamine and glycine
What to do after?
- Reintroduce carbs in the post-workout window – 40-60g of carbs in PWO meal – oats, rice, potato
- Add carbs once per week as a “refeed meal” or day – about 50% more calories on that day – the leaner you get, the more carbs you earn on a daily basis and the better you’ll be able to use carbs for continued progress
- Add 1 higher carb meal every 5-7 days and as you lean out, reduce the number of days between higher carb meals
- Work up to at least 25% of your calories from…