101_ How to Find Your Rhythm in Business and in Life with Todd Lowder

by | Apr 28, 2020

When you’ve worked directly with people for long enough, you become a master at adjusting on the fly, especially as a coach or personal trainer. A client showing up late, a sick kid at home, an injury or woe that throws a wrench in your daily game plan. But when you’re told to close the doors on your business for an indefinite period of time, virtually overnight, as much of America has due to Covid-19, then you’d better have the mental fortitude, intrinsic drive, and sheer backbone to embrace the fear and discomfort, make a hard pivot, and turn inconvenience into opportunity. That’s what we’re discussing today on The Smart Nutrition Made Simple Show.


Meet Todd Lowder, 25 year veteran of the Fitness and Coaching Industry who is facing these very challenges head-on. As you’ll hear in this uplifting and inspiring interview, for Todd, this is yet another opportunity to lead from the front and give his clients and athletes the care they deserve by serving them virtually.


When I asked Todd whether he fears the growing competition, Todd responded with, “Everyone wants to know you are qualified but what really matters is DO YOU CARE! My career has been defined by my investment in my clients and athletes! I want to know what makes them tick. I listen to what they TELL me their goals are and then dig to find out WHY they have those goals. When I figure out WHY then I can really help them with the journey of HOW! I split my time between adult clients during the day and coaching Track and working conditioning with Swimmers in the afternoon/evening.


I am blessed to get to help young athletes and adults find meaning through sports and fitness. Sometimes this means 40 less pounds, or a faster 400-meter dash, or a bigger bench, but almost always what it really means is improved confidence and a better understanding of who they really are and what they can contribute to the world.”


In our conversation, we discuss:


> How to choose which thoughts you give power to


> What fitness industry is really providing? Hint – It’s not sets and reps


>How coaching hurdles has taught Todd everything he needs to know about how to respond to a challenge. (These 3 lessons will change your life.)


>Life and success are ALL about growing and giving!


>How we are smack dab in the middle of the biggest revival and opportunity our industry has ever known


It’s a pleasure for me to be able to share this interview with you and I hope you enjoy it and learn as much as  I did. If you did, then please leave a 5-star review and a positive rating, and share this with someone whom you think needs some motivation and inspiration right now. And if you’re ready to talk about how to make a hard pivot with your nutrition and fitness and you want the no BS, step by step approach to get you there, then let’s chat. Just schedule your free nutrition strategy call at bslnutrition.com/levelup. There’s no better time to take control of your life and your health.


Alright, without further ado, let’s get to that interview…Here’s Todd



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