Muscle Activation Technique (M.A.T.) – Joey Emont

by | Mar 25, 2017


In this interview with Joey Emont of – @RestoraFit

We discussed:

  • Joey’s vast experience ranging from personal trainer/strength coach, BioSignature Modulation, Nutrition and Functional Medicine, to overarching passion for using Muscle Activation Techniques (M.A.T) to correct muscle dysfunction for all levels of clientele.
  • The importance of creating a great team of health pro’s around you for both: Improved client results as well as increased business and referrals.
  • The need to learn more to earn more, authenticity as a coach, and constantly providing immense value as the cornerstone of your business
  • Goals, compliance, and behavioral change as KEY factors in determining nutritional recommendations
  • Why supplements should never be the cornerstone of any effective coaching program.


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