Ben Brown
BSL Owner & Head Nutrition & Fitness Coach
In case we haven’t been introduced, I’m Ben Brown, the owner of Body Systems, an online nutrition & fitness consulting business specializing in designing individualized nutrition, lifestyle, and strength training programs for highly driven men (and a few brave women).
Currently, I work with both local and long-distance individuals and businesses and have consulted with fortune 500 companies and professional sports teams, including the Arizona Diamondbacks and Golden State Warriors organizations. While these were pretty cool opportunities, I’ll be honest. I find it much more rewarding working with regular day “Joes” and “Janes”. Those who are struggling to find the balance between business, family, and trying to squeeze in the much needed exercise and nutrition habits.
What makes Ben Brown the nutrition and fitness coach he is today?
I have 2 masters degrees, one in Clinical Nutrition and the other one in Exercise physiology … but that’s not what makes me so successful at getting the results I do for my clients. Don’t get me wrong … those two degrees really help me to understand the science behind the results my clients get. But, as you know, it’s a lot more than that. Losing weight and keeping it off involves a lot more than science.
If you have been at this a while, you know it’s not all that easy, especially if you are juggling the responsibilities of running a business and/or working long hours, raising kids and keeping up with a busy lifestyle (which we all are!).

And, I have to be honest with you. I have had my own health struggles, too. For too many years I struggled with extreme low energy without realizing it. I knew something was wrong but just chalked it up to having a new baby, working very early mornings & long days, as well as working on a second Masters degree on the weekends. I learned the hard way that the combination of these stressful factors, coupled with what I thought were good nutrition habits, were setting me up for disaster.
And then the bomb dropped …
I got to the point where my immune system utterly crashed. I had an endless stream of cold sores, was chronically fatigued, my joints ached and I was diagnosed with Epstein Barr Virus (which is surprisingly common, but asymptomatic for most people). Of course, a major lifestyle change was in order. And, even though I was working on a Master’s degree in clinical nutrition, ironically, my “good” nutrition habits were only digging the needle deeper. Those coupled with my overly intense training and I WAS A MESS!

I realized that much of the conventional wisdom about our fitness and nutrition today is outright WRONG!
I started listening to my body screaming at me to change my ways. As I dug deeper down the nutrition rabbit hole, I started to better understand how I had been not only depriving my body of the real nutrition it needed, but also masking my fatigue with stimulants that were only depleting me further. Fortunately, I was able to overcome these common immune suppressing habits. So much so that these have become just a few of the overarching principles that I use today when working with top performing executives, athletes , and highly driven ‘Joes’ and ‘Janes’ from around the globe.

I discuss a lot of these principles on my popular podcast called The Smart Nutrition Made Simple Show on iTunes.
Having been in the industry for over 15 years, it’s clear to me that there’s no one right way to improve your health and fitness. Rather, it’s a series of smart choices made consistently that will set one up for success. And now, 3 kiddos later, these principles continue to help me and my clients maintain our health and fitness goals while still experiencing high levels of energy and productivity.
Are YOU ready to pursue YOUR health and fitness goals and achieve sustainable results?
If this sounds like you and you’re ready to make life changes to help you experience lasting weight loss so you can optimize your energy and physique while improving your productivity in the office and your relationships at home, then let’s chat. Just APPLY below and we’ll take a look at where you are, where you want to go, and how to overcome the roadblocks keeping you from getting there.
I can’t wait to speak with you!
Your Coach,

Ben Brown
Dual MS. Exercise Science & Clinical Nutrition
Expert Nutrition, Fitness, and Weight Loss Coach Since 2005

Fun Facts About Ben Brown
He plays Rugby and has loved the sport since 1999.
He can play the piano.
He graduated from University of Arizona (undergrad), then from Arizona State (1st Masters Degree), then University of Bridgeport (2nd Masters Degree).
(And he will always be a student of learning.)