Protein Bars 101 You know the drill. You’re on the go, in between meetings, just finished a workout, waiting at the airport for a flight, or just searching for a quick, affordable, and “healthy” snack to satisfy you in between meals. And let’s be honest,...
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The Pros and Cons of Whey Protein
Whey protein is a very popular dietary supplement, especially among bodybuilders and athletes. In this post I’m going to talk about: 1. What whey is 2. The different forms of whey protein supplementation 3. Major benefits of supplementing with whey as...
3 Overlooked Ingredients Every Pre-Workout MUST Have
The nutrients that you consume pre-workout can make a big difference on your exercise performance, recovery, and fat loss. If you have plenty of time before hitting the gym you could opt for a pre-workout meal. However, many of us are pressed for time and...
9 Crazy Benefits of Magnesium Supplementation
I talk about magnesium supplementation quite a bit because it’s a vitally important mineral and electrolyte for optimal health. Magnesium is present in all of our cells and used by just about every organ in our body. It’s also a cofactor (or “helper”) in 300+...
Why You Need to Throw Away Your Multivitamin
This post is not meant to scare you away from taking a multivitamin. Rather, it's an attempt to educate you about multivitamins and why they likely aren't the best solution for treating vitamin or mineral deficiencies. For many of us, taking a multivitamin...
5 Ultimate Muscle Soreness Remedies
If you’ve ever tried a new workout, hit the gym for the first time in a while, or done a really intense workout (think heavy weights, HIIT, strenuous resistance training), you’ve likely experience delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). DOMS is another name for...
5 Supplements Scientifically Proven to Maximize Fat Loss
There are a ton of supplements on the market that claim to help you lose weight and burn fat. Some of the more popular ones include green coffee bean extract, Garcinia cambogia, raspberry ketones, and Hydroxycut. While these so-called "fat burning"...
5 Key Times to Supplement with Branched-Chain Amino Acids
You’ve likely seen the letters BCAA prominently displayed on the packaging of various top-selling pre- and post-workout drinks and supplements. BCAA stands for branched-chain amino acids, and they are increasingly popular in the fitness world. BCAA...
3 Proven Nutrients to Include in a Post-Workout Recovery Drink
Whether you’re an elite athlete, bodybuilder or just an average gym-goer, what you eat or drink after you exercise (either from food or a post-workout recovery drink) matters. Ingesting the right nutrients can be the difference between gaining or losing weight,...
Complete Essentials™: Core Ingredients
The Complete Essentials™ includes a non-proprietary blend of comprehensive ingredients formulated to specifically address: Improved energy during training Improved recovery after training Support lean body mass Enhance muscle protein synthesis Support cellular...
5 Ingredients to Never Include in your Pre-Workout Drink
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