A Spring Break Lesson on Pushing Past ‘Good Enough’

by | Mar 25, 2024

My family and I are in San Diego for the kids spring break.


Yesterday, Kristina (my wife) and I were playing pickleball against another couple, and the husband was in rough shape…


He was overweight, immobile, and huffing and puffing. His wife had to pick up the ball for him because he could not bend down.


Kudos to him for being active, but man, that must be a very uncomfortable position to be in.


Needless to say, it wasn’t too much of a challenge to lock down the W against them 😜


But when we were shaking hands at the net, he lamented about my physique and then made a comment that stuck with me…


“Must be nice not to have to exercise.”


The irony of the statement is thick.


And it’s not the first time someone has said something like that to me.


Have you ever had someone say to you, “Why bother pushing so hard? You don’t need to. You’re good.”


I get asked that a lot when it comes to getting and staying lean.


As if there’s any other way to accomplish anything without consistent hard work and effort.


And what’s the alternative?


If we just coast and chill, we’re not truly living.


We were not put on this planet to just exist.


To me, the fear of stagnancy and complacency far outweighs that of challenge and hardship.


We are here to grow and do big things.


And when it comes to our health, we can’t just settle for being ‘good enough.’


We don’t stagnate.


Life is always moving, always getting better.


And so are we.


I have a massive desire to live a physically active and quality life until I am 100 years old… and I want to help others do the same.


But that won’t happen if we just sit back and wait for things to come to us.


That’s why I make it a point to move every day, strength train, eat healthy food, and be proactive about my health, even when it’s uncomfortable or challenging.


Because it’s not just about reaching those goals – it’s about WHO you become in the process.


We weren’t meant to just survive.


We were meant to thrive.


And that means pushing ourselves to be the best we can be, even when it’s hard.


It’s noble to pursue better health, better relationships, and better finances because of the growth and challenge required.


The regret of not trying is a pain that eats away at the soul. That’s why I refuse to settle for just being ‘good enough.’


So if you’re feeling stuck or like giving up, remember that you’re capable of so much more than you think.


We were meant to grow and do big things, even when it’s uncomfortable, because being “good enough” will never be good enough for me.


Who’s with me?


Your Coach,



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